Instead she returns to a previous point - or in some cases moves forward, past the monster. Rebirth doesn’t “kill” Tasi when she’s caught by monsters.

One interesting aspect of this balance is that it doesn’t hinge on vulnerability or Game Over screens. This sets up repeated cycles of tension and relief as Tasi uses up finite resources for creating light to move between small islands of mental and physical safety. Protagonist Tasi - played from a first-person perspective - will lose her mind if she stays in the dark for too long, but creating light attracts the attention of the numerous monsters inhabiting the places through which Tasi moves. Rebirth largely follows the template set by its predecessor. Still, as a game of pure scares, Amnesia: Rebirth mostly satisfies. Any game would be hard-pressed to stack up against this lineage, and to be clear, Rebirth doesn’t. I confess that I find it difficult to judge Amnesia: Rebirth on its own merits.Īmnesia: The Dark Descent set the standard in survival horror for the ensuing decade and Frictional Games’ follow-up, SOMA, was a signal achievement in philosophical horror.

WTF So many matches and oilcans in these ancient Roman ruins! LOW Oh, the rug is being pulled out at the last second again! Color me surprised. HIGH A played childbirth sequence is a bold choice.